Mynegai:Pob iaith
- Categori:Cymraeg
- Mynegai:Cymraeg - sengl
Affricaneg (af)
golygu- Categori:Albaneg
- Mynegai:Albaneg - tudalen sengl
Anglo-Norman (xno)
golygu- Categori:Arabeg
- Mynegai:Arabic - revised
- Category:Aymara language
- Index:Aymara - revised
- Category:Coptic language
- Index:Coptic (not yet built)
- Category:Greek language
- Index:Greek - multipage index, updated
- Wiktionary:About Greek - style guide for Greek entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Greek)
Ancient Greek (grc)
golygu- Category:Ancient Greek language
- Index:Ancient Greek
- Wiktionary:About Ancient Greek - style guide for Ancient Greek entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Ancient Greek)
Greenlandic (kl)
golygu- Index:Greenlandic - in progress
- Index:Haitian Creole - started
- Index:Hawaiian - started
- Category:Hebrew language
- Index:Hebrew - a fairly small collection of words
- Wiktionary:About Hebrew - style guide for Hebrew entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Hebrew)
- Index:Hindi - partial
- Category:Hungarian language
- Index:Hungarian - in progress
- Wiktionary:About Hungarian - style guide for Hungarian entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Hungarian)
- Index:Indonesian - revised
- Index:Inuktitut - everyday words
- Index:Interlingua - partly revised
- Category:Italian language
- Index:Italian - built automagically from the latest dump
- Wiktionary:About Italian - style guide for Italian entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Italian)
- Category:Japanese language
- Index:Japanese - modified revised
- Wiktionary:About Japanese - style guide for Japanese entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Japanese)
- Index:Kannada - just started
- Index:Kashubian - one word
- Category:Khmer language
- Index:Khmer - recently created
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Khmer)
- Index:Kinyarwanda -ing begun
- Category:Korean language
- Index:Korean - started; character index
- Wiktionary:About Korean - style guide for Korean entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Korean)
- Index:Kurdish - a few words
- Category:Latin language
- Index:Latin - generated automagically
- Wiktionary:About Latin - style guide for Latin entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Latin)
- Category:Lingala language
- Index:Lingala - to be done
- Wiktionary:About Lingala - style guide for Lingala entries
- Index:Livonian - started
- Index:Lojban - short list
- Index:Low German - short list
Macedonian (mk)
golygu- Category:Malay language
- Index:Malay - started
- Category:Malayalam language
- Index:Malayalam - eleven words
Included in Chinese, no separate required
- Index:Chinese - modified revision
- Category:Chinese language
- Index:Manx - short list, set up for expansion
- Index:Maori - Short list of words but no sub-index.
- Index:Chinese - modified revision
- Category:Min Nan language
- Category:Mongolian language
- Index:Mongolian - general set up.
- Index:Norwegian - revised
Old Armenian (xcl)
golyguOld English (ang)
golygu- Category:Old English language
- Index:Old English - revised
- Wiktionary:About Old English - style guide for Old English entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Old English)
- Index:Old Norse - few words
- Index:Old Prussian - in progress
- Category:Oriya language
- Index:Oriya - in progress
- Category:Persian language
- Index:Persian - revised
- Wiktionary:About Persian - style guide for Persian entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Persian)
- Category:Polish language
- Index:Polish - in progress
Portiwgaleg (pt)
golygu- Category:Portuguese language
- Index:Portuguese - revised
- Category:Romanian language
- Index:Romanian - revised
- Wiktionary:About Romanian - style guide for Romanian entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Romanian)
- Categori:Rwseg
- Index:Russian - revised (А, Б, B, Г, Е, Ё, Й complete)
- Wiktionary:About Russian - style guide for Russian entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Russian)
- Category:Sanskrit language
- Index:Sanskrit - one word in Roman script
- Wiktionary:About Sanskrit - style guide for Sanskrit entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Sanskrit)
- Index:Scots - in progress
[[Gaeleg yr Alban] (gd)
- Category:Scottish Gaelic language
- Index:Scottish Gaelic - short list
Serbo-Croateg (sh)
golygu- Category:Serbo-Croatian language
- Wiktionary:About Serbo-Croatian - style guide for Serbo-Croatian entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Serbo-Croatian)
- Category:Slovak language
- Index:Slovak - ever growing list of Slovak words and their English equivalents
- Category:Slovene language
- Index:Slovene - short list
- Category:Spanish language
- Index:Spanish - revised
- Wiktionary:About Spanish - style guide for Spanish entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Spanish)
- Category:Swahili language
- Index:Swahili - to be done
- Wiktionary:About Swahili - style guide for Swahili entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Swahili)
- Category:Swedish language
- Index:Swedish - revised
- Wiktionary:About Swedish - style guide for Swedish entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Swedish)
- Category:Tagalog language
- Index:Tagalog - in progress
- Category:Tajik language
- Index:Tajik - in progress
- Category:Tamil language
- Index:Tamil - short list
- Category:Tarantino language
- Index:Tarantino - in progress
- Category:Telugu language
- Index:Telugu - single word in Latin letters
- Category:Thai language
- Index:Thai - one word
- Wiktionary:About Thai - style guide for Thai entries
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Thai)
- Index:Tok Pisin - single page
- Category:Turkish language
- Index:Turkish - general set up
- Category:Urdu language
- Index:Urdu - general set up
- Category:Uzbek language
- Index:Uzbek - general set up
- Category:Venetian language
- Index:Venetian - built automagically from the latest dump
Vietnamese (vi)
golygu- Category:Vietnamese language
- Index:Vietnamese - general set up, a handful of words listed
- Wiktionary:Requested entries (Vietnamese)
Vilamovian (wym)
golygu- Index:Volapük - large set up
- Index:Võro - started
- Category:Xhosa language
- Index:Xhosa - in progress