Wiciadur:Rhestri Swadesh Celtaidd

Y rhestri Swadesh am y ieithoedd Celtaidd:

Saesneg Llydaweg Cymraeg Gwyddeleg Gaeleg yr Alban Manaweg Cernyweg
1 I me mi, fi , mise mi, mise mee, mish [[]]
2 thou
te ti , tusa thu, thusa oo, uss [[]]
3 he en ef , seisean e, esan eshyn [[]]
4 we ni ni sinn, sinne, muid sinn, sinne shin, shinyn, mayd [[]]
5 you
c'hwi chwi sibh, sibhse sibh, sibhse shiu, shiuish [[]]
6 they int hwy, hwynt siad, siadsan iad, iadsan ad, adsyn [[]]
7 this mañ hwn, hon seo seo shoh [[]]
8 that se hwnnw, honno sin, siúd sin, siud shen, shid [[]]
9 here amañ yma anseo an seo ayns-shoh [[]]
10 there aze yna ansin, ansiúd an sin, an siud ayns-shin, ayns-shid [[]]
11 who piv pwy quoi [[]]
12 what petra beth cad é, céard ciod, cre, cre'd, quoid [[]]
13 where pelec'h ble càite c'raad [[]]
14 when pegoulz, pevare pryd cathain, cá huair, cén uair cuin cre'n traa, cuin [[]]
15 how penaos, peseurt mod sut conas, cén chaoi, cad é mar ciamar, cionnas kys, cre [[]]
16 not [[]] dim , cha cha cha [[]]
17 all pep pob uile uile ooilley [[]]
18 many meur, kalz [[]] a lán mòran shimmey [[]]
19 some [[]] [[]] roinnt roinn shiartanse [[]]
20 few [[]] [[]] beagán beagan beggan [[]]
21 other all, arall arall eile eile elley [[]]
22 one un un a haon aon unnane [[]]
23 two div, daou dau a dó daa [[]]
24 three tri, teir tri trí trì three [[]]
25 four pevar, pedeir pedwar ceathair ceithir kiare [[]]
26 five pemp pump cúig còig queig [[]]
27 big bras, meur mawr mór mòr mooar [[]]
28 long hir [[]] fada fada foddey [[]]
29 wide ledan [[]] leathan leathann lhean [[]]
30 thick fin [[]] tiubh tiugh çhiu [[]]
31 heavy pounner [[]] trom trom trome [[]]
32 small bihan bach beag beag beg [[]]
33 short berr [[]] gearr goirid giare [[]]
34 narrow [[]] [[]] cúng cumhang coon [[]]
35 thin tanav [[]] tanaí tana thanney [[]]
36 woman maouez, plac'h [[]] bean bean ben [[]]
37 man
(adult male)
paotr [[]] fear fear fer [[]]
38 man
(human being)
den dynion duine duine dooinney [[]]
39 child
(a youth)
bugel [[]] leanbh, páiste leanabh, pàiste lhiannoo, paitçhey [[]]
40 wife gwreg gwraig bean chéile bean-phòsda ben-phoost [[]]
41 husband gwaz [[]] fear céile fear-pòsda dooiney-phoost [[]]
42 mother mamm [[]] máthair màthair moir [[]]
43 father tad tad athair athair ayr [[]]
44 animal loen [[]] ainmhí ainmhidh cretoor-bioagh [[]]
45 fish pesk [[]] iasc iasg eeast [[]]
46 bird evn, lapous adar éan eun yeean [[]]
47 dog ki ci madra, madadh , madadh moddey [[]]
48 louse c'hwen [[]] míol cnis mial meeyl [[]]
49 snake naer [[]] nathair nathair aernieu [[]]
50 worm buzhug pryf péist cnuimh beisht [[]]
51 tree gwez [[]] crann craobh billey [[]]
52 forest koad [[]] coill coille keyll [[]]
53 stick
(of wood)
bazh [[]] bata bata maidjey [[]]
54 fruit frouezh ffrwyth toradh meas, toradh mess [[]]
55 seed had [[]] síol sìol rass [[]]
56 leaf delienn [[]] duille duilleag cooylley [[]]
57 root gwrizienn [[]] fréamh freumh fraue [[]]
58 bark
(of tree)
rusk [[]] coirt rùsg scryss [[]]
59 flower bleun [[]] bláth blàth blaa [[]]
60 grass geot [[]] féar feur faiyr [[]]
61 rope kordenn [[]] téad ròpa teidd [[]]
62 skin
(of a person)
kroc'hen [[]] craiceann craiceann crackan [[]]
63 meat
(as in flesh)
kig cig feoil feòil feill [[]]
64 blood gwad gwaed fuil fuil fuill [[]]
65 bone askorn asgwrn cnámh cnàmh craue [[]]
66 fat
druzoni, bloneg [[]] blonag saill blennick [[]]
67 egg vi wy ubh ugh ooh [[]]
68 horn korn [[]] adharc adharc eairk [[]]
69 tail lost [[]] eireaball earball arbyl [[]]
70 feather
(rather not down)
pluñv [[]] cleite ite fedjag, clooie [[]]
71 hair blev gwallt gruaig gruag renaig [[]]
72 head penn pen ceann ceann kione [[]]
73 ear skouarn [[]] cluas cluas cleaysh [[]]
74 eye lagad llygad súil sùil sooill [[]]
75 nose fri [[]] srón sròn stroin [[]]
76 mouth beg, genoù [[]] béal beul beeal [[]]
77 tooth
(rather not molar)
dant [[]] fiacail fiacail feeackle [[]]
78 tongue teod tafod teanga teanga çhengey [[]]
79 fingernail ivin [[]] ionga ìne yngyn [[]]
80 foot troad troed cos cas cass [[]]
81 leg gar coes cos cas lurgey [[]]
82 knee glin [[]] glúin glùn glioon [[]]
83 hand dorn llaw lámh làmh laue [[]]
84 wing askell [[]] sciathán sgiath skian [[]]
85 belly kof [[]] bolg brù, broinn bolg [[]]
86 guts [[]] [[]] inní caolan collane [[]]
87 neck gouzoug [[]] muineál muineal mwannal [[]]
88 back kein cefn droim druim dreeym [[]]
89 breast bronn [[]] cíoch cìoch keeagh [[]]
90 heart kalon calon croí cridhe cree [[]]
91 liver avu [[]] ae adha aane [[]]
92 to drink evañ yfed ól òl iu [[]]
93 to eat debriñ [[]] ith ith ee [[]]
94 to bite [[]] [[]] bain greim bìd greimmey [[]]
95 to suck [[]] [[]] súigh sùigh jiole [[]]
96 to spit [[]] [[]] caith seile tilg smugaid ceau shelley [[]]
97 to vomit dislonkañ [[]] aisig sgeith skeeah [[]]
98 to blow
(as wind)
[[]] [[]] séid sèid [[]] [[]]
99 to breathe [[]] [[]] tarraing anáil tarraing anail tayrn ennal [[]]
100 to laugh c'hoarzhin chwerthin déan gáire gàir gearey [[]]
101 to see gwelet [[]] feic faic fakin [[]]
102 to hear klevet clywed cluin, clois cluinn clashtyn [[]]
103 to know
(a fact)
[[]] [[]] a fhios ag tha fios aig cur enney er [[]]
104 to think [[]] [[]] smaoinigh smaoinich smooinaghtyn [[]]
105 to smell
(sense odor)
[[]] [[]] bolaigh feuch fàileadh soaral [[]]
106 to fear [[]] [[]] eagla a bheith ort gabh eagal goaill aggle [[]]
107 to sleep kousket cysgu codail bi ann do chadal cadley [[]]
108 to live bevañ [[]] mair bi beò be bio [[]]
109 to die mervel [[]] faigh bás bàsaich geddyn baase [[]]
110 to kill lazhañ [[]] maraigh marbh marroo [[]]
111 to fight [[]] [[]] troid còmhraig caggey [[]]
112 to hunt
[[]] [[]] seilg sealg shelg [[]]
113 to hit [[]] [[]] buail buail bwoalley [[]]
114 to cut troc'hañ [[]] gearr geàrr giarrey [[]]
115 to split [[]] [[]] scoilt sgoilt scoltey [[]]
116 to stab
(or stick)
[[]] [[]] rop sàth broddey [[]]
117 to scratch
(an itch)
[[]] [[]] tochais sgròb screebey taghys [[]]
118 to dig [[]] [[]] tochail cladhaich cleigh [[]]
119 to swim neuñviñ [[]] snámh snàmh snaue [[]]
120 to fly nijal [[]] eitil itealaich etlagh [[]]
121 to walk kerzhet, bale, mont [[]] siúil coisich shooyl [[]]
122 to come dont [[]] tar thig çheet [[]]
123 to lie
(as on one's side)
[[]] [[]] luigh laigh lhie [[]]
124 to sit azezañ [[]] suigh suidh soie [[]]
125 to stand sevel [[]] seas seas shassoo [[]]
126 to turn
(change direction)
treiñ [[]] cas till cassey [[]]
127 to fall
(as in drop)
kouezhañ [[]] tit tuit tuittym [[]]
128 to give reiñ rhoi tabhair tabhair toyrt [[]]
129 to hold
(in one's hand)
[[]] [[]] coinnigh cùm cummal [[]]
130 to squeeze [[]] [[]] fáisc teannaich çhionney [[]]
131 to rub [[]] [[]] cuimil suath scoorey [[]]
132 to wash gwalc'hiñ [[]] nigh nigh niee [[]]
133 to wipe [[]] [[]] cuimil suath glenney [[]]
134 to pull [[]] [[]] tarraing tarraing tayrn [[]]
135 to push bountañ [[]] brúigh brùth jingey [[]]
136 to throw teurel [[]] caith tilg ceau [[]]
137 to tie [[]] [[]] ceangail ceangail kiangley [[]]
138 to sew [[]] [[]] fuaigh fuaigh whaaley [[]]
139 to count kontañ [[]] cuntais cùnnt coontey [[]]
140 to say lavaret [[]] abair abair gra [[]]
141 to sing kanañ canu can seinn goaill arrane [[]]
142 to play c'hoari chwarae imir cluich cloie [[]]
143 to float [[]] [[]] snámh bi a' fleòdradh snaue [[]]
144 to flow [[]] [[]] sruthaigh ruith stroo [[]]
145 to freeze [[]] [[]] reoigh reòdh rioghey [[]]
146 to swell [[]] [[]] at at att [[]]
147 sun heol haul grian grian grian [[]]
148 moon loar lloer gealach gealach eayst [[]]
149 star steredenn [[]] réalt rionnag rollage [[]]
150 water dour [[]] uisce uisge ushtey [[]]
151 rain glav glaw báisteach, fearthainn frasachd fliaghey [[]]
152 river stêr afon abhainn abhainn awin [[]]
153 lake lenn llyn loch loch logh [[]]
154 sea
(as in ocean)
mor [[]] muir, farraige muir, cuan, fairge keayn, faarkey [[]]
155 salt holen halen salann salann sollan [[]]
156 stone maen [[]] cloch clach clagh [[]]
157 sand traezh traeth gaineamh gainmheach geinnagh [[]]
158 dust [[]] [[]] deannach stùr joan [[]]
159 earth
(as in soil)
douar [[]] talamh talamh thalloo [[]]
160 cloud koumoul [[]] scamall, néal sgòth, neul bodjal, niaul [[]]
161 fog moged [[]] ceo ceò kay [[]]
162 sky oabl [[]] spéir adhar, speur niau [[]]
163 wind
(as in breeze)
avel [[]] gaoth gaoth geay [[]]
164 snow erc'h [[]] sneachta sneachd sniaghtey [[]]
165 ice skorn [[]] oighear eighre rio [[]]
166 smoke moged [[]] deatach ceò, toit jaagh [[]]
167 fire tan [[]] tine teine aile, çhenney [[]]
168 ashes ludu [[]] luaith luath leoie [[]]
169 to burn
[[]] [[]] dóigh loisg lostey [[]]
170 road hent [[]] bóthar rathad raad, baare [[]]
171 mountain menez [[]] sliabh beinn slieau [[]]
172 red ruz [[]] rua, dearg ruadh, dearg ruy, jiarg [[]]
173 green glas [[]] glas, uaine glas, uaine geayney [[]]
174 yellow melen [[]] buí buidhe buigh [[]]
175 white gwenn [[]] bán geal bane [[]]
176 black du [[]] dubh dubh doo [[]]
177 night noz [[]] oíche oidhche oie [[]]
178 day
deiz [[]] laa [[]]
179 year bloaz [[]] bliain bliadhna blein [[]]
180 warm
(as in weather)
tomm [[]] te blàth çheh [[]]
181 cold
(as in weather)
yen [[]] fuar fuar feayr [[]]
182 full leun [[]] lán làn lane [[]]
183 new nevez newydd nua ùr, nuadh noa [[]]
184 old hen, kozh [[]] sean sean shenn [[]]
185 good mat [[]] maith math mie [[]]
186 bad fall [[]] olc, droch dona, olc olk, drogh [[]]
187 rotten
(as, a log)
brein [[]] lofa lobhte loau [[]]
188 dirty lous [[]] salach salach broghe, breinnagh [[]]
189 straight [[]] [[]] díreach dìreach jeeragh [[]]
190 round [[]] [[]] cruinn cruinn cruinn [[]]
191 sharp
(as a knife)
[[]] [[]] géar geur geyre [[]]
192 dull
(as a knife)
[[]] [[]] maol maol moal [[]]
193 smooth [[]] [[]] mín mìn rea, shliawin [[]]
194 wet gleb [[]] fliuch fliuch fliugh [[]]
195 dry
sec'h sych tirim tioram çhirrym [[]]
196 right
[[]] [[]] ceart ceart cair [[]]
197 near [[]] [[]] cóngarach faisg, dlùth faggys [[]]
198 far pell [[]] fada fada foddey [[]]
199 right
dehou [[]] deas deas jesh [[]]
200 left
kleiz [[]] clé clì toshtal [[]]
201 at [[]] [[]] ag aig ec [[]]
202 in e, e-barzh [[]] i ann ayn [[]]
203 with
gant [[]] le le marish [[]]
204 and ha/hag [[]] agus agus as [[]]
205 if ma [[]] , ma, nan my, ga [[]]
206 because peogwir [[]] óir oir er-yn-oyr [[]]
207 name anv enw ainm ainm ennym [[]]